What's Flowering in our patch in Makuru (June / July 2019)
The first in a series of blogs where I share what's flowering in our patch. With a deep respect for the traditional custodians of this land, I'm sharing what's flowering during each of the 6 Indigenous seasons. We are currently around the middle of the Makuru, traditionally known as the season of fertility and associated this season with the weather being the coldest and wettest of the year with more frequent gales and storms. Climate change is having a huge impact on these traditional seasons and the patterns and timings are definitely shifting, confusing all flora and fauna.
Our aim here is to give a majority of our land back to nature and one way we do this is by having an abundance of food in the form of flowers for all endemic fauna - from the tiniest native bees to the largest foraging mammals and birds and everything in between. From trees to groundcovers, natives to edibles, here's our list of plants that are in flower. We hope you find some inspiration from this list for what you could plant in your own garden. (Note: some are only flowering for parts of Makuru and some are flowering throughout the whole season:)

My patch in late Spring
When we took over the guardianship of this 5 acres in 2005, it was all just weedy paddocks with thankfully some 35 year old trees around the borders. Our aim from the beginning was to re-create a healthy mini ecosystem that would provide the needs of all endemic life as well as grow our own food and herbal medicine.
We wanted to provide a great diversity of flowers, with overlapping flowering times throughout all seasons and to have peak flowering to occur during Spring and Summer to provide the necessary resources for native bees to successfully nest each year.

Vibrant sunflowers attracting in the beneficial bugs and pollinators
We have succeeded! - our garden is abundantly bursting at the seams with life! So I've decided that every 2 months I will walk around my garden and record what's flowering and share with you. Hopefully my lists can provide some ideas of what plants you can introduce into your garden for some year round flowering.
Our aim over the next couple of years is to introduce even more endemic native plants;
What's flowering in our patch in Makuru June/July 2019....

Silver Princess flowers
Native Trees
Tuart - Eucalyptus gomphocephala
Long flowering Marlock - Eucalyptus macrandra
Coastal Moort - Eucalyptus utilis
Gungurru - Eucalyptus caesia ssp caesia
Silver Princess - Eucalyptus caesia ssp magna
Fushcia Gum - Eucalyptus forrestiana
Tea Tree - Melaleuca alternifolia

Pin cushion hakea flowers
Native Shrubs
Red Rod Emu Bush - Eremophila calorhabdos
Correa 'Canberra Bells'
Correa 'Dusky Bells'
Correa alba
Flinders Range Wattle - Acacia iteaphylla (inherited invasive species)
Grevillea Spider Flower - Grevillea rosmarinifolia
Grevillea olivacea - orange, yellow, red
Pin Cushion Hakea - Hakea laurina
Banksia menziesii dwarf
Grevillea 'Robyn Gordon'
Native Rosemary - Westringia fruiticosa
Cut leaf banksia - Banksia praemorsa
Grevillea x 'Honey Gem'
Grevillea x 'Moonlight'
Showy Honey-myrtle - Melaleuca nesophila
Native Groundcovers
Brachycombe daisy
Grevillea 'Gin Gin Gem'
Scaevola purple fanfare

Calendula flowers with sleeping bees
Carpet thyme
Clary Sage
Lime blossoms
California Poppy
Elder flower
Calendula officinalis
Rosemary officinalis

Cosmos flowers
Osteospermum White Daisy With Purple Center
Protea 'Pink Ice'
Hebe 'Amy'
Tibouchina 'Jazzie'
Cosmos - white and pinks
Pineapple sage
Mexican sage
Mexican marigold
'Hot Lips' Salvia
'Wendy's Wish' Salvia
Gaura lindheimeri 'Whirling Butterflies'
Yellow Daisy - Euryops chrysanthemoides

purple convolvulus ground cover with native bee
Ornamental Groundcovers
Purple and white trailing lantana
Convolvulus sabatius purple ground cover
Scopia Gulliver Blue Bacopa
And that's a wrap from our patch for Makuru (June/July 2019)
Bee Blessings
Trac x