What's Flowering in our patch in Kambarang (October/November 2019)
The third in a series of blogs where I share what's flowering in our patch. With a deep respect for the traditional custodians of this land, I'm sharing what's flowering during each of the 6 Indigenous seasons, as these are the true season of this land. We are currently around the middle of the Kambarang, traditionally know as the season of birth - which is apt as this is the time of year when many native bees species emerge for the new season.
Our aim here is to give a majority of our land back to nature and one way we do this is by having an abundance of food in the form of flowers for all endemic fauna - from the tiniest native bees to the largest foraging mammals and birds and everything in between. From trees to groundcovers, natives to edibles, here's our list of plants that are in flower. We hope you find some inspiration from this list for what you could plant in your own garden. (Note: some are only flowering for parts of Kambarang and some are flowering throughout the whole season:)

Chorizema Cordatum flowers with a tiny Trichocolletes species native bee
Native Trees (only some endemic)
Tuart - Eucalyptus gomphocephala
Gungurru - Eucalyptus caesia ssp caesia
Silver Princess - Eucalyptus caesia ssp magna
Tea Tree - Melaleuca alternifolia
Eucalyptus preissiana
Spotted gum - Corymbia maculata
Karri - Eucalyptus diversicolor
York gum - Eucalyptus loxophleba
WA Flooded Gum - Eucalyptus rudis
Mahogany Gum (Woollybutt) - Eucalyptus botryoides
Lemon scented gum - Corymbia citriodora
Blue Mallee Eucalyptus
Silky Oak Grevillea - Grevillea robusta
Showy Honey Myrtle - Melaleuca nesophila
Golden Gum - Corymbia eximia

Golden Gum - one of the flowers included in my Bee Priestess Flower Essence range
Native Shrubs (only some endemic)
Emu Tree - Hakea francisiana
Green Honey Myrtle - Melaleuca diosmifolia
Verticordia plumosa
Banksia ashbyii
Blue leschenaultia
Chamelaucium spp
Claw Flower - Melaleuca pulchella
Rose Cone Flower - Isopogon formosus
Melaleuca lanceolata
Ruby Glow - Leptospermum scoparium
Pink Lady - Leptospermum scoparium
Grevillea olivacea - orange, yellow, red
Grevillea 'Robyn Gordon'
Native Rosemary - Westringia fruiticosa
Cut leaf banksia - Banksia praemorsa
Grevillea carramar
Grevillea Supreme
Native Hibiscus - alyogyne huegelii
Hakea lissocarpha
Wedding Bush - Ricinocarpos pinifolius
Grass Trees
Brown Boronia - Boronia megastigma
Pink Boronia

Claw Flower - Melaleuca pulchella
Native Groundcovers & Climbers (only some endemic)
Boobialla - Myoporum parvifolium
Leptospermum scoparium
Hibbertia grossulariifolia - Guinea Flower
Brachycombe daisy
Grevillea 'Gin Gin Gem'
Scaevola purple fanfare
Banksia blechnifolia
Chorizema cordatum - Heart Leaf Flame Pea (low shrub)
Native Wisteria - Hardenbergia violacea
Native Wisteria - Hardenbergia violacea - Alba
Grevillea - Poorinda Royal Mantle

Scaevola ground cover
(This list varies each year to what annual edibles we are growing)
California Poppy
Elder flower - just beginning
Calendula officinalis
Navel Orange
White & Yellow flesh nectarine
Apples - 7 varieties
Pears - 5 varieties
Plums - 3 varieties
Figs - 2 varieties
Cape weed
Cats Ear
Overwintered brassicas and asian greens
Thyme groundcover
Thyme and lemon thyme
Cape Gooseberry
Raspberry, Boysenberry, Loganberry,
Globe Artichoke
Society Garlic
Clary sage

Granny Smith apple flowers
Ornamental (or non-native) Shrubs/Trees/Groundcovers
Leucaspermum cordifolium - orange and yellow
Echium - Pride of Madeira
California Lilac
Viburnum tinus
Tree aeonium
Buddlejia yellow, purple, pink
Osteospermum White Daisy With Purple Center
Protea 'Pink Ice'
Tibouchina 'Jazzie'
Pink diosma
Mexican marigold
'Hot Lips' Salvia
'Wendy's Wish' Salvia
Ornamental Plum
Bradley Pear
Manchurian Pear
Purple and white trailing lantana
Convolvulus sabatius purple ground cover
Convolvulus alba

And that's a wrap from our patch for October/November 2019.
Garden Blessings
Trac x